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N E W S   A R C H I V E

14. Juli 2020
On July 8, 2020 an interesting webinar about latest MEMS accelerometer technology and its applications has been presented by THALES, iMAR and YOLE at inside GNSS. About 200 attendees watched the webinar, presented by Inside GNSS. Follow the link to learn more about it: Follow the link to learn ...
29. Januar 2020
For more than 20 years iMAR provides INS/GNSS/ODO reference systems to many rail network providers, rail vehicle operators, rail constrution machineries and rail vehicle assistance system manufacturers, worldwide. Since January 2020 also the "advanced TrainLab" from Deutsche Bahn AG is equipped ...
01. Januar 2020
Inertial Technology: FAQs and manufacturer independant background information (how to find the best solution for my application?) iMAR Company Information about iMAR Navigation GmbH iMAR Information about Products and System Solutions- from the Stock as well as Customized Solutions iMAR News ...
29. Dezember 2019
The year 2019 was also very successful for iMAR. The management and all teams from production, engineering, purchasing, QA, sales, logistics, support and administration from iMAR Navigation would like to thank our customers and suppliers very much for the good and trustful cooperation during the...
12. November 2019
A customer specific design of iMAR's multi-axes multi-turn turntable iTURN has been delivered for a customer, who manufactures advanced airborne gyro stabilized telecommunication antennas for commercial airliners. iTURN-2D is designed to carry up to 80 kg payload on an extrawide tabletop in stati...
23. Oktober 2019
In the field of active safety testing,  iMAR demonstrated its leading technology for automotive proving ground instrumentation and scenario based testing within the well-known PEGASUS project in 2018. Besides iMAR's advanced automated vehicle control, vehicle localization, dynamic and static...
15. Oktober 2019
In October 2019 the project QGyro has started, where iMAR supports the research and development activities of atom interfero,etric inertial sensors. The three years lasting project is a collaboration between the Leibniz University of Hannover, Institut für Quantenoptik (LUH IQ) and Insttut für Er...
12. Oktober 2019
During last week iMAR demonstrated additional features of the well-known iSWACO-ARGUS toolchain to interested visitors. Seamless import of OpenSCENARIO descriptions are part of this as well as the implementation of sophisticated safety and security features. Also the latest release of the iARGUS-...
05. August 2019
iMAR's iTraceRT-MVT series for vehicle dynamics measuring is supported by MOSES, a leading vehicle dynamics test software, made by measX. iTraceRT-MVT is the well-known successor of the iDIS-FMS, which is supported by MOSES already for many years. Both systems are e.g. in daily use at many German...
29. Juni 2019
Der diesjährige Betriebsausflug führte die Mitarbeiter der iMAR Navigation Ende Juni 2019 für 4 Tage von der Saar an die Elbe nach Dresden. Dort standen neben  einer ausführlichen Stadtführung die Besichtigung der Gläsernen Manufaktur von VW und eine sehr interessante Führung durch das Zentrum f...
20. Mai 2019
After we demonstrated the new seamless workflow for safeguarding for highly automated driving cars during the PEGASUS Symposium together with AUDI AG on the Volkswagen proving ground in Ehra-Lessien / Germany just last week, we had been invited to demonstrate an even more complex setup during the...
14. Mai 2019
iMAR has celebrated the manufacturing and delivery of the 1000th IMS of type iVRU-CB-M. It contains a MEMS based IMU, an integrated GNSS receiver, interfaces for an external GNSS receiver and to the vehicle's odometer. It is e.g. used in industrial automation as well as in harbor applications.  ...
01. Mai 2019
In order for functions for the safeguarding of highly-autmated vehicles to be approved, new quality standards and methods had been developed in the recent 3 years – through the close cooperation between the automotive industry and innovative, agile engineering companies. This is what the PEGASUS ...
15. März 2019
In February 2019 we installed at our headquarters in St. Ingbert an additional, secured garage area, which enables us  to store additional testing vehicles, also  incl. iinstalled test setups. This further expands our capabilities within our customer driven projects in the wide area of automated...
28. Dezember 2018
The SKYDEL GNSS simulation software is known as one of the best solutions for flexible real-time testing of GNSS engines. NOFFZ in Germany now provides a turnkey solution based on the SKYDEL software, a software defined radio, a GPU and the required support electronics. This allows running indivi...
21. Dezember 2018
iMAR is contracted in 12/2018 to equip all 338 CBRN vehicles of the German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katasprophenhilfe, BBK) with the well-known navigation and localization system iNAT-M200/MLD. CBRN stands for the detection a...
17. Oktober 2018
Another catamaran vessel now benefits from the reliable and high performance of our ship motion damping Ride Control.  The system, jointly developed and supplied with our Dutch partner KWANT controls B.V., was installed on-board during an extensive retrofit of the vessel last week. The Ride Cont...
21. September 2018
iMAR has shown that complex testing of highly automated driving vehicles with several synchronized participants is possible in a highly accurate and repeatable manner. In cooperation with 4active Systems, a future EuroNCAP Jjunction Scenario, comprising of two 4a Soft Crash Targets and iMAR’s se...
21. September 2018
iMAR manufactures precise 3D magnetometers with integrated IMU already since a longer time. Now a new, iron-free, fully magnetic clean calibration facilities has been installed at the iMAR headquarters in St. Ingbert which allows an even more automated calibration of magnetometers, unaffected by ...
10. August 2018
Anthony Best Dynamics (ABD) has launched an Approval Certificate which certifies the compatibility of the system families of iNAT and iTraceRT-MVT by iMAR Navigation with ABD robot systems. Successful Ethernet communication and path following was demonstrated in August 2018.  This allows users o...
10. August 2018
 On April 6, 2019, the transmitted GPS week number in the navigation message of GPS will rollover from 1023 to 0. Recently manufactured / delivered GNSS receivers inside of iMAR products should not be affected by this issue.  In case you detect any data inconsistency, please contact our support ...
09. August 2018
AUDI AG has decided within the context of the wellknown PEGASUS project to enter into a deep cooperation with iMAR Navigation to develop and implement advanced testing facilities for highly and fully automated driving vehicles.  Link: Demonstration of proving ground instrumentation with generali...
09. März 2018
The Automotive Tech.AD is the No. 1 European event on technical challenges for vehicle automation L4+. It is Europe’s leading knowledge exchange platform bringing together every year in Berlin / Germany 350+ stakeholders who are playing an active role in the vehicle automation scene. Topics are T...
12. Februar 2018
In early 2018 iMAR delivered the first batches of iSULONA-VI against an order of 60 systems. A fleet of HTRVs (Heavy Tactical Revovery Vehicles) will be equipped with these systems, which allow a precise localization, using GNSS aiding or (in case of GNSS unavailability) also waypoint aided navig...
15. Januar 2018
iMAR just delivered the 12th iPRENA-M-H system, a high performance INS/GNSS/ODO inertial navigation, localization and surveying system. This system is a replacement of the "historical" DRU / MAPS modular azimuth position system, which is out of production by several vendors since a longer time no...
14. Dezember 2017
Airbus Industries has selected iMAR's iNAT-FSLG-01 INS/GNSS measurement system to be the future motion reference and trajectory analysis system to be used at Airbus for all major flight testing activities.  The first two systems of the contract for the "SkyTrack" called programme have been deliv...
20. Oktober 2017
Softing AG, a well-known manufacturer of testing systems, invited iMAR to show their iNAT-M200 within Softing's racing car together with the SMT system. Recently both companies have demonstrated on the Nürburgring, how trajectories and dynamic behavior of racing cars can be measured and visualiz...
23. Juni 2017
In June 2017 iMAR exhibited at Automotive Testing Expo in Stuttgart / Germany and presented its proving ground equipment for testing & verification of vehicles up to SAE level 5. We also presented, besides our traditional systems of type  iTraceRT, our system family iTraceRT-MVT, iNAT-FSSG, i...
06. Juni 2017
For more than 25 years iMAR is a leading company providing strapdown inertial reference systems for testing automotive driver-assistance systems and for driver comfort testing on highest and most durable performance level. The introduction of highly and fully automated vehicles (i.e. from "hands...
01. Juni 2017
The local integrated school of Rohrbach / St. Ingbert has started a new project: Together with the local volunteer fire brigade they founded a project group for about 20 pupils to stimulate their interest in technology in combination with reinforcing their social engagement to be a helper for peo...
01. Juni 2017
Since more than 10 years iMAR manufactures the iMWS wheel speed sensor and this month we manufactured the 500th of it. For skilled integrators, following the instruction manual step by step, the integration of this sensor on the rim of the wheel is much faster than to integrate a full incremental...
15. Mai 2017
iMAR launched the first system of a special hard-rock resistant design for specific hard-rock drilling applications and mining tasks. The system includes high performance optical gyroscopes and a special internal vibration isolation. It is designed to operate several months without interruption i...
03. Oktober 2016
Since 2 years Matthias Dolderer, the German aerobatic pilot of the Red Bull AirRace Master Class World Championship, uses sucessfully iMAR Navigation equipment for flight path optimization and demonstrated the advantages of using our INS/GNSS measurement data by becoming the 2016 World Champion a...
21. September 2016
The iNAT-RQT-4003 is now also used by Airbus Helicopters to acquire the full flight motion dynamics in the test field to assist the qualification and certification of their helicopters. The iNAT-RQT-4003 is an advanced INS/GNSS system with ring laser gyro performance, which allows the online out...
22. Juli 2016
iMAR performed successfully a several days test campaign on a regional train of type DESIRO to demonstrate the high peformance and reliability of the iNAT-M200 system with its integrated INS/GNSS/ODO based data fusion. The iNAT-M200 is used for train localizatin as well as for attitude & head...
19. Juli 2016
1908 the first time ever a gyro compass had been used as a true heading reference - it had been on the German cruise ship SMS Deutschland. 1908 wurde erstmals ein Kreiselkompaß auf einem Schiff als Nordreferenz eingesetzt - es war auf dem deutschen Linienschiff SMS Deutschland. The inventor of ...
01. Juli 2016
Swarm Control is a most important application for highly autonomous operating vehicles. All vehicles have to operate within a shared space, a joined task has to be fulfilled and therefore the trajectory control of each swarm member (e.g. autonomous marine vessels, unmanned airborne vehicles, high...
02. Juni 2016
Rate tables or turn tables are used to measure and calibrate inertial sensors and systems regarding angular rates or orientation in space, but they are not suitable to perform tests regarding linear motion or acceleration, as they are required for translational motion testing or tumbling motion t...
11. April 2016
in 2015 iMAR had been invited by leading European car manufacturers as well as TIER1 / TIER2 suppliers to provide its deep knowledge about using industrial as well as military and commercial inertial sensor technologies in all areas of applications, to assist the European TRACE consortium develop...
13. Februar 2016
Das deutsche Bundeswirtschaftsministerium hat in 01/2016 den Startschuss für das Forschungsprojekt Pegasus gegeben, das Teststandards für selbstfahrende Autos entwickeln soll. PEGASUS steht in diesem Kontext für: Projekt zur Etablierung von generell akzeptierten Gütekriterien, Werkzeugen und Me...
24. Juli 2015
1908 wurde erstmals ein Kreiselkompaß auf einem Schiff als Nordreferenz eingesetzt - es war auf dem deutschen Linienschiff SMS Deutschland. Erfinder des Kreiselkompasses ist der 1872 in Zweibrücken geborene Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe. Ohne ein solches "Gyro Compassing" zur präzisen Navigation wäre...
12. Juni 2015
p3d Systems, a worldwide leading company providing kinematic laser scanning solutions for advanced surveying applications, launches their latest product ProScan. The product is based on p3d's most sophisticated system design and application software, supported by iMAR's advanced inertial measurem...
14. Mai 2015
iNAPAD is a high precise system for Navigation, Positioning and Azimuth Determination. It can be applied in any kind of vehicles, used by mobile survey teams in military environment. The main tasks of such survey teams is the determination of position in operational areas as well as the orientat...
12. Mai 2015
iMAR launches a new miniaturized fully automated data modem, supporting GSM / GPRS / NTRIP communication to provide RTK and DGPS correction data in real-time from data Networks like SAPOS / AXIO-NET / ASCOS. The iNetGo is working with all iMAR GNSS proucts and also with third party GNSS products...
18. Februar 2015
For precise surveying applications using inertial or optical sensors, beside of a highly accurate time stamping and synchronization of all measurement data an most accurate mechanical reference of the systems is required for a seamless integration of the navigation Systems into the user's applica...
14. Februar 2015
The inertial measurement System iµVRU is used in this application for precise monitoring of the flight trajectory (3D position, velocity, roll, pitch, heading, attitude, load factor, acceleration, angular rates) of highly agile aircrafts at Red Bull Air Race. iMAR's low weight high accurate INS/G...
23. Dezember 2014
In May 2014 we started to build up our third building at our headquarter's area in St. Ingbert and now, end of December 2014, we are proud to start operation inside. With this building we expand our space being usable for design and manufacturing significantly. The new building provides addition...
18. Oktober 2014
In October 2014 the engineers of Audi AG and iMAR Navigation GmbH demonstrated automous driving at high speed on the wellknown Hockenheimring in Germany. Audi demonstrates its "piloted driving concept" during the DTM race at October 19th 2014 by driving fully autonomously with up to 240 km/h. Th...
02. September 2014
Wir haben mit 90 Gästen und Mitarbeitern das Richtfest unseres 3. Bauabschnitts gefeiert. Hier entstehen neue Flächen für Fertigung, Entwicklung und Lager. Besonderheiten des neuen Gebäudes, das mit einer Fußgängerbrücke an die Bestandsgebäude angebunden ist, sind eine 7 m hohe Montagehalle, Sch...
08. Juli 2014
Am 19. September hält iMAR auf dem DVW Seminar "Multi-Sensor-Systeme" an der HafenCity-Universität Hamburg einen Gastvortrag zum Thema "Inertiale Sensoren in der Navigation (low-cost - higzh-end). Further information: Flyer zur Veranstaltung des DVW
06. Juni 2014
iMAR is a well-known market leader providing most accurate inertial measurement systems for automotive ADAS verification like ABS testing or adjustment of automatic vehicle damper control. Using the iµVRU, a very low power consuming and only 50 grams light weight INS/GPS system with advanced onl...
22. April 2014
iMAR delivered a customized electro optical tracking System (EOTS) of type iIPSC-MSG-130 to ArmaSuisse, the Swiss Defence Authorities. The platform is fully two axes gyro stabilized including video tracking (iOET²) capability, true north alignment, joystick control and provides an open interface ...
15. April 2014
iMAR recently received contracts to deliver about 100+ AHRS systems for underwater weapon system guidance and control. The contract contains an additional significant option for further Systems to be delivered. The iTNAV and its derivates are used as the primary navigation and guidance sensor in...
10. April 2014
iDAGOS is a miniaturized dual-antenna GNSS compass to provide true heading with up to 20 Hz. It is made for applications which require reliable performance in a small package and simple usage. With iATTHEMO iMAR has launched also a devation of iDAGOS, which caontains additional an IMU and a Kalm...
18. März 2014
In May 2014 iMAR will present its leading automotive related testing, verification and navigation products at SAFETY EXPO 2014 during the SAFETY WEEK in Aschaffenburg / Germany. Presented products will be e.g. iTraceRT-F400, iNAV-RQT, iTraceRT-M200, iVRU-FQ, iVRU-CFM, iµVRU, iTURTLE, iPACK and iR...
11. Februar 2014
iMAR provides INS/GNSS based systems for Heave Compensation and Dynamic Control. In a co-operation with a well-known German ship builder iMAR is in process to apply its control and sensor technology as well as its iSSMC control system on offshore service vessels for wind mill maintenance and serv...
22. Januar 2014
In February 2014 iMAR presents its leading automotive related surveying and ADAS verification Systems on the AUTONOMOUS DRIVING - The Future of ADAS 2014 in Berlin, located at RAMADA Hotel. iMAR is Sponsor and Business Partner of this top-level event (27.-28.02.2014 in Berlin). Presented produc...
20. Januar 2014
iMAR recently received contracts to deliver 100+ AHRS systems of type iVRU-CB-M for UAV guidance and control. The iVRU-CB-M contains MEMS based inertial sensors (gyros, accelerometers), a GPS receiver (SBAS capability, EGNOS available), a powerfull miniature processor with an embedded advanced I...
08. Januar 2014
iMAR's advanced INS/GNSS System iVRU-FQ is used as Primary Navigation and Control System on the Unmanned Aerial Systems (FALCO UAS) being operated by the United Nations in the Democratic Republik of Congo. For Details see the attached press release. Further information: Press Release: iMAR Navi...
10. Dezember 2013
iMAR is licensed to use the so-called "Driftless Technology" from TNO to improve inertial sensor accuracy especially for gyro compassing applications. Press Release: Driftless Technology exclusively licensed to iMAR Navigation for North Finding applications
09. Dezember 2013
As in the last years, also in October 2014 iMAR will present its leading geodetic and automotive related surveying and navigation related range of products. Presented products will be e.g. iTraceRT-F400, iNAV-RQT, iTraceRT-M200, iVRU-FQ, iVRU-CFM, iµVRU, iTURTLE, iPACK, iREF. InterGeo 2014, Oc...
10. September 2013
In August 2013 the engineers of Daimler AG demonstrated driving fully autonomously about 100 km non-stop embedded in the current traffic in Germany from Mannheim to Pforzheim with an S 500 INTELLIGENT DRIVE research car. They followed the historical track which had been performed by Bertha Benz e...
19. Juli 2013
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are designed to prevent accidents caused by unskilled drivers, external events (collision with pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycle or other hard and soft targets) or due to difficult environment. Now, iMAR has permanently available a test vehicle (Audi A6)...
13. Juli 2013
iMAR performed a test campaign together with DLR on EC135/FHS helicopter in Brunswik / Germany to demonstrate the Flight Director for helicopter slungload pendulous motion compensation under winch operation. The automatic helicopter control is planned to be demonstrated in Q4/2013.
04. Juni 2013
We demonstrated at Automotive Testing Expo our high performance inertial measuement systems of iTraceRT-MVT, iTraceRT-F, iTraceRT-M, iTURTLE and iPack for ADAS testing. The systems convinced our national and international visitors due to the overall system design, because iMAR provides the full t...
22. Mai 2013
iMAR recently received a contract to deliver 100+ units iVRU-CB for straddle carrier navigation in harbor environment. The iVRU-CB contains MEMS based inertial sensors (gyros, accelerometers), a GPS receiver (SBAS capability, EGNOS available), odometer interface and is fully EMI/EMC protected, d...
15. Mai 2013
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are designed to prevent accidents caused by unskilled drivers, external events (collision with pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycle or other hard and soft targets) or due to difficult environment. To test the interaction between an ADAS and such targets, iTU...
15. April 2013
Providing attitude heading reference systems (AHRS), air data computers (ADC) and magnetometers (MAG) for aviation applications, iMAR also provides the entire set to equip unmanned air vehicles (UAV) or small aircraft (CS23, CS25) or helicopters with such systems. Further information: iAvionics...
15. April 2013
Join us in Nuremberg 14. - 16. May 2013 at SENSOR + TEST 2013, Hall 12, Stand 217 ! We are looking forward to meet you !
17. Januar 2013
With the iMAG-DMC-LS iMAR provides a highly rugged 3D Magnetometer for UAV control, defence and general aviation applications. It comes with an integrated EMI/EMC filtering and power conditioning as well as environmental protection according to MIL-STD-810F (incl. helicopter vibration level) . Po...
16. Januar 2013
Join us in Stuttgart 04. - 06. June 2013 at AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO 2013, Stand C2004 ! We are looking forward to meet you !
08. Januar 2013
With the iVRU-FSAQ iMAR provides a rugged 6D inertial AHRS system, based on FOG technology and servo accelerometers (Q Flex type and MEMS type available as factory set options). It is designed for general stabilization tasks (up to 1'200 Hz data rate) as well as for UAV and OPV control,...
20. August 2012
With its iµIMU iMAR presents a low cost micro IMU for multi purpose applications, which is equipped with 3 MEMS gyroscopes, 3 MEMS accelerometers, magnetometer, barometer (altitude), odometer interface and integrated GPS engine. iµIMU supports a plug&play integration into the user application...
08. Juni 2012
iMAR demonstrates the probably most advanced test method for car safety to the international press. The system supports the motion analysis of several vehicles (EGO and ALTER) to verify and optimize advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). It contains of one set of iTraceRT-F400, wireless data ...
11. Mai 2012
A paparazzo acquired the photograph shown on the right side: A motorcycle is tested under high dynamic environment using an iMAR iTraceRT-F400 GNSS aided inertial measurement system (class: 2 cm accuracy). The iTraceRT is a market leading system for testing vehicle dynamics as well as Advanced D...
12. April 2012
iMAR liefert die Algorithmik für die Neigungsanzeige des Audi A6 allroad. Die hierfür speziell von iMAR entwickelten Algorithmen erlauben trotz der Verwendung vergleichsweise einfacher fahrzeuginterner Inertialsensorik eine hohe Winkelgenauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der Anzeige auch im dynamische...
13. Februar 2012
iMAR has launched a version of its well-known iIMU-FCAI, which comes up with an extended EMI/EMC protection and slightly rearranged connector position. iIMU-FCAI is a small size IMU con­sisting of 3 low-noise fiber optical gyros (FOG) in closed-loop technology of class 1 deg/hr and 3 s...
31. Januar 2012
The iIMU-MM-04 is a MEMS based IMU con­sisting of MEMS gyros of class 10 deg/hr bias stability and 3 accelerome­ter axes of class 2 mg. Major features are: 0.15 deg/sqrt(hr) / 300 µg/sqrt(Hz); short time bias stability at const. temperature (AV) 0.5 °/hr, 0.1 mg. 1’000 Hz and...
22. Dezember 2011
iMAR has been contracted by CASSIDIAN to develop and provide a stabilization platform for stabilizing cameras and energy lasers on marine vessels. The combination of iMAR's inertial geo-referencing technology together with iMAR's experience in image processing and data fusion leads to a robu...
20. Oktober 2011
iMAR has joined the AutoDrop Development Consortium. The objective of the project is to develop a novel autonomous underwater vehicle that will significantly reduce the cost associated with deployment of sensors and data loggers to the seabed. The vehicle is equipped with sensors or loggers ...
29. August 2011
iMAR has launched the first dynamic antenna stabilization and positioning system of type iIPSC-ANTRAD-101 to a German customer. It is designed to support standard antenna payloads as well as customized antennas to be stabilized on naval and surface vessels. The system contains a si...
21. August 2011
iMAR hat seine Luftfahrtgerätefertigung im August 2011 durch das Luftfahrtbundesamt (LBA) gemäß den Anforderungen EASA Part21G (Luftfahrtgerätefertigung gemäß Capability List) auditieren lassen. Aufgrund der erfolgreichen Auditierung ist iMAR nun entsprechend zertifi...
29. Juni 2011
iMAR has launched its deeply coupled INS/GNSS system iTraceRT-F200/400 now also as fully MIL qualified system: iTraceRT-F400Q. It is used in land, sea and airborne applications on manned and unmanned UAV/RPV missions.
20. Mai 2011
A new EKF based algorithm is available for iMAR's iVRU product line, which provides a milestone in performance of unaided Vertical Reference Systems. The algorithm is available for new systems of iVRU series as well as for upgrade. Standard vertical reference systems require magnetic information...
10. Mai 2011
An advanced design of iMAR's wellknown fiber optic gyro based general purpose INS/GNSS navigator iNAV-FJI-001-J is now available. It is fully form-fit-function compatible to iMAR's iNAV-RQH systems (ring laser gyro based with extended bias stability) and iMAR's iNAV-FMS-E-DA with dual antenn...
10. April 2011
Starting in May 2011, high performance quartz servo accelerometers of type INN-202 are included in the portfolio of iMAR. These sensors are demonstrated to be of performance class of QA2000 industrial standard. Delivery time is 3 - 4 weeks, no time consuming export license process ...
31. Dezember 2010
The iIMU-CFM-01 is an IMU con­sisting of 3 FOG gyros of class 5 deg/hr bias stability and 3 accelerome­ter axes of class 2 mg, designed according to DO254 and DO160E. Major features are: 0.3 deg/sqrt(hr) / 50 µg/sqrt(Hz); bias stability (AV) 0.2 °/hr, 0.1 mg @ const. temp. 1’000 Hz and 200 H...
15. Dezember 2010
In May 2010 the engineers of Mercedes-Benz, a trademark of Daimler AG, demonstrated the probably most advanced test method for car safety to the international press. The system, which is designed to use and test series-production vehicles,  is being equipped with iMAR's INS/GNSS  s...
05. November 2010
Die erfolgreiche Einführung unserer Produkte in weitere nationale und internationale Märkte und Programme sowie die Geschäftsentwicklung in den Bereichen Industrielle Navigations- und Vermessungssysteme und Verteidigungssysteme sowie auch im neuen Geschäftsbereich Luftfahrtsysteme&...
01. Oktober 2010
iMAR unterstützt die Ausstellung "Die Maschine von Bohnenberger", die heute als die weltweit erste Realisierung eines kardanischen Kreiselgerätes angesehen wird. Diese wurde in Tübingen von Prof. Bohnenberger realisiert. In angehängter pdf-Datei findet man ausführliche Details über Gerä...
25. September 2010
To be delivered in Q1 and Q2/2011, iMAR has won a contract from South Korea Ministry of Defense / ADD in September 2010 to deliver eleven (11) INS/GPS navigation platforms of type iNAV-FJI-001 and iNAV-FMS-DA (dual antenna version) with customer / application specific adapted MIL-STD-1553B interf...
04. Juni 2010
iMAR designed a weapon station demonstrator which is capable to carry 2 bazookas ("Panzerfaust"). It contains all relevant sensors and azimuth / elevation stabilized pan/tilt head for a video tracking autonomous remote controlled operation. It is able to be used for ground vehicle tracking and ai...
25. Februar 2010
iMAR's advanced Kalman filter signal proessing introduced into high performance automotive series application, using an automotive 6D inertial measureing system im MEMS technoilogy. The application is integrated in the infotainment system of the cars. Further informations: Elektronik Automo...
23. Februar 2010
iMAR is a wellknown provider of inertial navigation and stabilization systems. SWATH vessels are of special interest due to its damanding requirements and the required customer support in design and integration. See page 21 of the following journal: HANSA SHIPS 2009 (pdf, 4.5 Mbyte) Gene...
07. Februar 2010
iMAR exhibits its products and services at India Defence Expo 2010 together with its Indian representative THRIKASA. Click on the picture on the right side to see details.
11. Januar 2010
iMAR is invited to held a technical presentation about iMAR's advanced ship stabilization and motion control architecture (iSSMC) at the Benelux branch of the IMarEST (Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology). Further informations: Place and Time: Delft Univ. of Technology, ...
01. Juni 2009
iMAR presents its iTraceRT-F200 together with the new interface iSRIF to control steering robots in highly dynamic environment. The system in shown on the exhibition "Automotive Testing". The system is available since mid 2008 and used e.g. at Daimler for driverless testing applications. The syst...
01. Juni 2009
Das SWATH Schiff "Helgoland" wird an den Deutschen Zoll übergeben. Für die Flossen-Stabilisierung ist das System iSSMC von iMAR integriert (Ship Stabilisation and Motion Control). iMAR stellt den Werften und Eignern mit seiner iSSMC Technologie eine neue Dimension der ultra-leichten MEMS-Kreisel-...
12. Januar 2009
Cultural Highlights in St. Ingbert are sponsored by iMAR from time to time. We are pround to announce, that we succeded together with the Patton Stiftung to invide Jacques Loussier and his Trio on 29th March 2009 for a performance in St. Ingbert. Tickets are available on all known sales points.
30. Dezember 2008
The Quality Management System of iMAR had been approved in 2008 by TÜV Rheinland according to the requirements of DIN-ISO 9001 (industrial and defense products) and according to EN 9100 (avionics systems). Due to the approval iMAR is listed as a member of the OASIS database since Q1/2009. Since 0...
18. Dezember 2008
iMAR gewinnt den Auftrag zur Lieferung des Schiff-Stabilisierungssystems iSSMC (Ship Stabilisation and Motion Control) für zwei Zollschiffe in SWATH-Technologie.Die Boote werden von TKMS nach den Vorschriften des Germanischen Lloyd gebaut. Länge über alles 49 m, Breite auf Spanten 19 m, Seitenhöh...
18. September 2008
iMAR hat das Schiff-Stabilisierungssystem iSSMC (Ship Stabilisation and Motion Control) erfolgreich im Wellenkanal der HSVA (Hamburgische Schiffsbau Versuchsanstalt) getestet.Das iSSMC wurde auf einem Swath Schiff implementiert, um dieses bei Seegangs- und Manöver-Tests zu stabilisieren. Die modu...
18. September 2008
iMAR wurde mit der Entwicklung und Lieferung von IMUs für die Anwendung "Civil Avionics" zum Einsatz bei einem namhaften Luftfahrzeughersteller beauftragt. iMAR erwartet aus dem langfristigen Liefervertrag Umsätze über etwa die nächsten 10 Jahre.
18. September 2008
Qualifikation der iVRU-FA5 bei IABG iMAR hat im Juni 2007 das Inertialmeßsystem des Typs iVRU-Fx gemäß MIL-STD 810F, Method 513.5, Proc II (acceleration 6 g), Method 514.5, Proc. I (vibration), Method 516.5, Proc. I (shock during landing) und Method 516.5, Proc. V (shock crash hazard) in den...
18. September 2008
Pendeldämpfung von Außenlasten für Helikopter Neuentwicklung von iMAR wird im ZDF gezeigt. Das ZDF hat im Rahmen der Sendereihe "Abenteuer Wissen" eine Reportage über die Entwicklung unseres "Flight Director" zur Dämpfung pendelnder Außenlasten unter Hubschraubern gedreht. Drehorte waren u.a. au...
18. September 2008
Miniatur-IMU mit MEMS-Kreiseln und GPS. Die Familie der Faserkreisel-IMUs vom Typ iVRU-Fx ist nun um die Familie der MEMS-IMUs vom Typ iVRU-Sx erweitert worden. Spezielle Eigenschaften sind ein besonders leichtes Miniaturgehäuse in temperaturstabilem Kunststoff, Odometer interface und optional in...
18. September 2008
Die iIPSC-MOD gehört zur Familie der stabilisierten Plattformen, die für Sicherheitsaufgaben im Bereich der Überwachung und Kontrolle sowie der Stabilisierung von Antennen und Kameras auf bewegten Trägerfahrzeugen (Schiff, Hubschrauber, Lkw) eingesetzt werden. Seit Anfang 2006 ist nun ergänzend d...
18. September 2008
iMAR demonstriert unter Verwendung des Ringlaser-Inertialmeßsystems iNAV-RQH-AIRSURV (Datenrate 2000 Hz, Bias 0.002 deg/hr, 10 µg) und eines Riegl Laser Scanners (Typ 560) hochgenaues hubschraubergestütztes Lasercanning in Wien. Das iNAV-RQH-AIRSURV liefert mit dem integrierten RTK-L1/L2 DGPS onl...
18. September 2008
iMAR hat ab Juni 2004 die Produktionsrate für den einachsigen Faserkreisel des Typs OLFOG-S-D auf 50 Einheiten / Monat erhöht.Die Kreisel werden an industrielle und militärische Kunden geliefert. Ausführungen sind mit kommerziellem Sub-D-Stecker oder mil. Rundsteckverbinder(MIL-C-38999 III) verfü...
18. September 2008
Seit 1998 liefert iMAR inertiale Meßsysteme auch für den asiatischen Markt. Bereits ab Mitte 2002 wurden die Kontakte zum chinesischen und indischen Markt mit dem Aufbau von Vertretungen intensiviert. iMAR's lokale Repräsentanten in Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, Hong Kong und Hyderabad (Indien) verme...
18. September 2008
iMAR lieferte im April 2003 das inertiale Referenzmeßsystem zur Überprüfung der Leistungsdaten des von Siemens-VDO entwickelten Ortungssystems, daß von Toll Collect zur Erhebung der Lkw-Maut eingesetzt wird. Hier kommt iMAR's hochgenauer Dead-Reckoning-Algorithmus "iDRPOS" zusammen mit der Hardwa...
18. September 2008
Schwingende Lasten an Hubschraubern führen häufig zu Gefahrensituationen, die nicht nur zum Verlust der Last sondern bis zur Beschädigung des Hubschraubers führen können. In Kooperation mit der DLR hat iMAR nun die zweite Phase des Projektes "Helicopter Slung Load Damping" gestartet. Dabei geht e...
18. September 2008
Das iPEGASUS für Agusta Westland Helicopter in Yeovil UK wird für die Ausrichtung der Navigations- und Waffen- sowie der Missile-Warning-Systeme in derProduktion der Lynx, Merlin EH101 und Apache Helikopter eingesetzt.Es ist iMAR's 12. Auslieferung eines iPEGASUS Instrumentes und das zweite Syste...
01. Mai 2008
VRU-BC-M: iMAR erprobt den ersten Prototypen einer Ultra-Miniatur-IMU mit MEMS-Sensoren und integriertem L1 GPS-Empfänger mit VBS/SBAS/DGPS/RT-20 Funktionalität für Anwendungen in Echtzeit (UAV-Navigation, Straßenvermessung, Precision Farming etc.) und im Post-Processing. Die IMU wird in naher ...
01. April 2008
iIPSC-MOD / iOET² wurde im Feldversuch erfolgreich mit anspruchsvollem UAV Tracking demonstriert.  iMAR liefert ein System zum Tracken von Luft- und Landzielen an die Dt. Luftwaffe. Das System kann stationär oder auf Helikoptern und Schiffen eingesetzt werden. Es beinhaltet ein sehr dynamisc...
04. November 2007
Das CarOLO- Team der TU Braunschweig qualifizierte sich am 31. Oktober mit 10 von ursprünglich über 90 weiteren Teams für das Finale der DARPA Urban Challenge am 3. November 2007. Im Finale gelingt es dem Team CarOLO mit seinem Fahrzeug "Caroline", so lange wie kein anderes nicht-amerikanisches ...
13. September 2007
E.ON Ruhrgas nimmt den mit einer iMAR-Stabilisierung (iSCU) und einem iMAR INS/DGPS Online-Kalmanfilter für das Auto-Tracking (iNAV-FMS mit iIMU-FSAS-Meßkopf) ausgestatteten und von Adlares in Kooperation mit dem DLR entwickelten Gasspür-Sensor in Betrieb, der auf einer BO-105 montiert ist und mi...
12. Juli 2007
With iDTS iMAR provides customized dynamic tilt sensors in FOG and MEMS technologies. They are used in all environmtent where a precise tilt measurement has to be provided where vibration or even lateral and rotational motion is present and where therefore conventional tilt sensors will not provi...
16. August 2006
NovAtel, a Canadian GNSS engine manufacturer, now provides the capability to smooth its GPS data with inertial data. In a joint project the integration of iMAR's iIMU-FSAS-E-EI-SN now had been integrated into the SPAN architecture. For advanced applications iMAR provides a wide range of INS/GNSS...
10. September 2005
Die durch iMAR in Kooperation mit Fa. Brownline B.V. / Niederlande entwickelte und unter dem Markennamen "Drillguide" vertriebene kreiselgestütze Steuerung für Horizontalbohrsysteme iGST (Gyro Steering Tool) wurde neben vielen Anwendungen seit September 2005 dazu eingesetzt, über 700 m unter 52 E...
17. Juli 2005
Das Fahrzeug-Navigations- und Ortungs- und Lokalisierungssystem iDRPOS.32 wurde im Juli 2005 durch das EMV-Labor SGS FORSTER (TÜV) gemäß der EMV-Richtlinie E13 zertifiziert. Mit dem Erhalt dieses internationalen Zertifikates hat das iDRPOS.32 die EMV-Zulassung für alle Straßen-Fahrzeuge. iDRPOS.3...
18. April 2004
iMAR liefert eine ultra-kundenspezifische stabilisierte Plattform iIPSC-RT für höchstauflösendes fliegendes Gradiometer. iMAR liefert eine dreiachsige stabilisierte Plattform, mit der ein hochsensitives Gradiometer auf einem Flugzeug stabilisiert wird. Die iIPSC-RT ist ein Spezialdesign für einen...


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  • 66386 St. Ingbert

  • Deutschland

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