High Precision INS/GNSS inertial Localization & Control Systems for all Applications
iNAT-RQT / iNAV-FSLG / iNAT-FSSG: High performance ring-laser gyro and fiber optic gyro based navigation systems for surveying, stabilization, tracking, navigation, guidance and control tasks. Real-time data output with precise time stamping. Integrated RTK-GPS Receiver (with optional SAASM capability), wheelsensor interface, several SYNC-I/Os and data storage.
Used for defense, aviation and industrial applications like railway, road and pipeline surveying, SAR / LIDAR applications, platform stabilization, Transport arcraft Navigation etc.
High data rate and centimeter accuracy in GNSS-RTK mode
The ultra robust design at low weight and low power consumption makes the systems also suitable for most challenging applications. Competitors: OXTS GENESYS NOVATEL XSENSE APPLANIX TRIMBLE SAFRAN SAGEM THALES IXBLUE IXSEA SBG ADVANCEDNAVIGATION VECTORNAV RACELOGIC SENSONOR SEPTENTRIO SPAN GPS GNSS STIM300 ANALOG DEVICES GEONYX ONYXS
Further information
iMAR's leading inertial products & solutions for advanced applications in navigation, localization, guidance & control
Product Group: INS/GNSS Systems for Navigation & Guidance
Product Group: INS/GNSS Systems for Navigation and Surveying Applications
Product Group: INS/GNSS Systems for Navigation & Guidance
Product Group: INS/GNSS Systems for Defence Applications
Easy-to-Use: iMAR provides support for iXCOM, ROS 2, Python, C++ (SDK), WireShark Dissector etc.
Related Products
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iNAT-FSLG-01: FOG Based Navigation, Surveying & Control System (0.1 °/h, 1'000 Hz)
iNAT-FSSG-1: FOG Based Navigation, Surveying & Control System (1 °/h, 1'000 Hz)
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