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  • Dr.-Ing. Edgar v. Hinüber (Geschäftsführer / Gesellschafter)
  • iMAR Navigation GmbH
  • Im Reihersbruch 3
  • D-66386 St. Ingbert / Germany

Official Business Registration

  • Handelsregister: HRB 32848, St. Ingbert / Saarbrücken (1992)
  • VAT-ID: DE 811449793
  • Steuernummer: 040/111/59449

Legal note

Despite of careful content control we assume no liability for the contents of external links. Responsible for those contents are exclusively the operators of such linked sides. The usage of our web pages is strictly on user's own risk. The user has to pay attention to the rules of Copyright (c) for all provided information and data.


  • iMAR Navigation GmbH
  • Im Reihersbruch 3
  • 66386 St. Ingbert

  • Germany

Contact & Support

  • +49 6894/9657-0     (switchboard)

  • +49 6894/9657-636 (sales team)

  • +49 6894/9657-15   (support team)

Products & Integration Engineering