Symposium DGON ISA 2024 "Inertial Sensors and Applications"
The ISA Symposium "Inertial Sensors and Applications", formerly called "Symposium Gyro Technology", is held once a year in October in Braunschweig (Brunswick), Germany with about 200 international and national attendees from industry and research.
iMAR Navigation supports this symposium (iMAR's CEO Dr. Edgar L. v. Hinüber is member of the program commitee since 2006) and invites also its customers and business friends to participate. Details are given in the attached links and pdf files.
The symposium and its participants can look back on over 60 years of significant influence on inertial technologies, applications, and standards, both scientifically and economically.
Central to the symposium are leading presentations as well as intensive communication between users, manufacturers, and researchers. The DGON ISA is supported by the IEEE and, in this format, stands as the leading event among international inertial technology conferences - a conference with a modern format and by far the most extensive international tradition.
Invitation for the 61st symposium: Invitation ISA 2024
Proceedings of Symposium Gyro Technology since 1965
With the 60th anniversary of the symposium the effort had been taken to digitize all proceedings. With the following dowload the Proceedings of the Symposien Gyro Technology since the very beginning of the Symposium in 1965 until 2012 are avaiable as searcheable pdf files. The proceedings since 2013 are available at Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB) at Leibniz University Hannover / Germany.
Download of Proceedings Symposium Gyro Technology Germany 1965 - 2012 (zip, approx. 700 MByte)
Here you can get the proceedings being published after 2012: