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iTHESEUS: System for fully autonomous Indoor Navigation

Indoor localization and Navigation without any need of infrastructural Aidings

The self-localization and external localization as well as guidance of walking or running persons or a group of persons in a building or an environment where the task force cannot rely on GNSS reception or other infrastructural orientation aids (e.g. WLAN or immutable optically detectable structures) has so far been an almost insurmountable challenge despite intensive research worldwide. 

With iTHESEUS, iMAR now offers an extremely robust, accurate and economical solution for this task for the first time. iTHESEUS allows a completely self-sufficient location of persons in the lower meter accuracy range for tasks in which no infrastructure may (anymore) exist in the event of an operation. It works at day and night, the integrated small battery lasts for operation longer than 8 hours. The radius of action is not subject to any restrictions, the accuracy is typically better than 1% of the distance covered.

Further information

More manuals, user reports and other information in our download area.


  • iMAR Navigation GmbH
  • Im Reihersbruch 3
  • 66386 St. Ingbert

  • Germany

Contact & Support

  • +49 6894/9657-0     (switchboard)

  • +49 6894/9657-636 (sales team)

  • +49 6894/9657-15   (support team)

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