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New EMI/EMC Lab Building of Spezial-EMV GmbH goes operational

24 October 2022

iMAR's Subsidary Company Spezial-EMV GmbH errects EMI/EMC Lab Building on iMAR Campus

We are proud to announce that the new EMI/EMC Test Lab building of Spezial-EMV GmbH goes into operation now after an errection time of only 13 months. Spezial-EMV GmbH is a 100 % daughter of iMAR Navigation GmbH and provides EMI/EMC system qualification, certification and, together with iMAR, EMI/EMC consultance for customers worldwide.

The bandwidth of services covers the testing of goods according the requirements of commercial, industrial, medical, automotive, railway, marine, defence, space and customer specific applications.

Details can be found here:


  • iMAR Navigation GmbH
  • Im Reihersbruch 3
  • 66386 St. Ingbert

  • Germany

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