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iNAT-M200/SLN on DESIRO Train

22 July 2016

Exploration of iNAT-M200 Performance for Train Location and Driver Assistance

iMAR performed successfully a several days test campaign on a regional train of type DESIRO to demonstrate the high peformance and reliability of the iNAT-M200 system with its integrated INS/GNSS/ODO based data fusion. The iNAT-M200 is used for train localizatin as well as for attitude & heading reference, also to aid other sensors which might observe the train's surroundings and to assist the train driver (ADAS).

Further information:

Paper: iNAT: INS/GNSS/Odometer Data Fusion in Railway Applications (2016)

Further information:

Datasheet of iXCOM-CMD Operator's Software


  • iMAR Navigation GmbH
  • Im Reihersbruch 3
  • 66386 St. Ingbert

  • Germany

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